ina norrman
mind your language
Disillusioned by the state of affairs on women's rights issues, the idea of creating workshops to challenge status quo was hatched at the beginning of 2017. They were later carried out with Collective Exchange during 2017-2018.
These workshops creatively challenge perceptions of participants. They highlight the unconscious gender biases we all hold by looking at the language we use and how it forms and is informed by society. During the workshop participants create a visual narrative in collage, using cuttings from magazines, drawings and writing, which is made into a badge. Badges have long been used as a way of conveying allegiance towards a particular cause, commenting on events as well as initiating conversation between wearer and viewer. Continuing the dialogue beyond the workshops.
The mind your language workshops lead to another project. ‘Inspiring Women- A suffragette in the Family. A collaboration, historical research and curation with Bruce Castle Museum, the Bruce Castle Archives and I. It culminated in an exhibition celebrating the centenary of the right, for, some, women to vote in 2018.